Jag är så jävla sur

Ja en riktig jävla BitterFITTA!

Spenderat halva dan med att maila fram o tillbaka till Asos. Ni vet som jag älskar. Men nu vetifan. Jävla adhdanalfabetscp'n!

"We appreciate this might not be the response you were hoping for, but we hope you understand that we are not able to locate a specific parcel amongst the thousands of parcels in time to cancel your order. " No shit not the answer I was looking for.

Funny thing is that what I wanted to know from the beginning was: When could I expect my order to arrive.
Turning in to: autoresponse-wtf. ctrl+c ctrl+v. blablabla.

So basically what you're saying is that you don't know where either my money or my order is, I won't be getting my money back, and well my order, I should consider myself lucky if I get it at all. Well that's just great.

Well I won't be bothering you more, have a nice weekend and stay easy on the strong stuff.

Sorry if I sound like a s-puss, I really need to eat some chocolate. But I can't, 'casue then I won't fit into your clothes. And I do like them alot.

Regards Evelina

Fan man måste vara trevlig på slutet, det är bara då man får rabattgrejjer! Haha:D

Jag är ashungrig också, Zion knuffar på mig och vill ha uppmärksamhet. Baah. Orkar inte. Jag vill bara tycka synd om mig själv. Det är så jävla stökigt här hemma också. Ser ut som en arme fjortisar haft fest här! Orkar inte städa. Baah.

Nej nu fan ska jag göra mat.


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