Everything is illuminated
Såg precis flmen "Everything is illuminated"
Riktigt bra, dock fick vi tag i en jättedålig textning så bara hälften av all utländska(pratar men ryska eller ukrainska eller vad pratar man i Ukraina?) var textat, så mycket föll bort. Men komiken gick igenom ändå.
Memorable Quotes:
Jonathan: I'm a vegetarian.
Alex: You're a what?
Jonathan: I don't eat meat.
Alex: How can you not eat meat?
Jonathan: I just don't.
Alex: [to Grandfather, in Russian] He says he does not eat meat.
Grandfather: [to Alex, in Russian] What?
Alex: No meat?
Jonathan: No meat.
Alex: Steak?
Jonathan: No...
Alex: Chickens!
Jonathan: No...
Alex: And what about the sausage?
Jonathan: No, no sausage, no meat!
Alex: [to Grandfather, in Russian] He says he does not eat any meat.
Grandfather: [to Alex, in Russian] Not even sausage?
Alex: [to Grandfather, in Russian] I know!
Grandfather: [to Alex, in Russian] What is wrong with him?
Alex: What is wrong with you?
Jonathan: Nothing, I just don't eat meat!
Alex: [Refering to the dog] This is Sammy Davis Jr. Jr... She is Grandfather's Seeing Eye bitch. Father purchased her for him not because he believes Grandfather is blind, but because a Seeing Eye bitch is also a good thing for people who pine for the opposite of loneliness. In truth, Father did not purchase her at all, but merely retrieved her from the home for forgetful dogs. Because of this, she is not a real Seeing Eye bitch, and is also mentally deranged.
Alex: I do not know any women who are taller than me. The women who *are* taller than me are lesbians, for whom 1969 was a very momentous year.
(Tidigare i filmen berättade han för sin lillebror att ställningen heter 69an eftersom den uppfanns 1969, och det visste ha eftersom han kände en som är nära släkting till killen som uppfann den...)
[Efter att ha fått vägbeskrivning räcker Jonathan fram ett paket cigaretter som tack]
Alex: What are you doing?
Jonathan: For helping us.
Alex: What?
Jonathan: Well, I read in my guidebook that you can't find Marlboro cigarettes here so you should take them everywhere as tips.
Grandfather: [In Ukrainian]
[to the man]
Grandfather: He doesn't eat meat.
Jag ger den här filmen 7 Novastars

Riktigt bra, dock fick vi tag i en jättedålig textning så bara hälften av all utländska(pratar men ryska eller ukrainska eller vad pratar man i Ukraina?) var textat, så mycket föll bort. Men komiken gick igenom ändå.
Memorable Quotes:
Jonathan: I'm a vegetarian.
Alex: You're a what?
Jonathan: I don't eat meat.
Alex: How can you not eat meat?
Jonathan: I just don't.
Alex: [to Grandfather, in Russian] He says he does not eat meat.
Grandfather: [to Alex, in Russian] What?
Alex: No meat?
Jonathan: No meat.
Alex: Steak?
Jonathan: No...
Alex: Chickens!
Jonathan: No...
Alex: And what about the sausage?
Jonathan: No, no sausage, no meat!
Alex: [to Grandfather, in Russian] He says he does not eat any meat.
Grandfather: [to Alex, in Russian] Not even sausage?
Alex: [to Grandfather, in Russian] I know!
Grandfather: [to Alex, in Russian] What is wrong with him?
Alex: What is wrong with you?
Jonathan: Nothing, I just don't eat meat!
Alex: [Refering to the dog] This is Sammy Davis Jr. Jr... She is Grandfather's Seeing Eye bitch. Father purchased her for him not because he believes Grandfather is blind, but because a Seeing Eye bitch is also a good thing for people who pine for the opposite of loneliness. In truth, Father did not purchase her at all, but merely retrieved her from the home for forgetful dogs. Because of this, she is not a real Seeing Eye bitch, and is also mentally deranged.
Alex: I do not know any women who are taller than me. The women who *are* taller than me are lesbians, for whom 1969 was a very momentous year.
(Tidigare i filmen berättade han för sin lillebror att ställningen heter 69an eftersom den uppfanns 1969, och det visste ha eftersom han kände en som är nära släkting till killen som uppfann den...)
[Efter att ha fått vägbeskrivning räcker Jonathan fram ett paket cigaretter som tack]
Alex: What are you doing?
Jonathan: For helping us.
Alex: What?
Jonathan: Well, I read in my guidebook that you can't find Marlboro cigarettes here so you should take them everywhere as tips.
Grandfather: [In Ukrainian]
[to the man]
Grandfather: He doesn't eat meat.
Jag ger den här filmen 7 Novastars
